Pokémon GO Fest Chicago

Pokemon Go has announced about their Chicago event and challenges unlocked during that event on their blog and on their social media account. Niantic haven't given us any hint about releasing legendary in this blog post yet this blog however have uncovers some of the event features like users from around the world will also be able to participate into this event as players from around the world and players participating Chicago event together will be able to unlock different bonuses these bonuses are explained by Niantic that players together will unlock new challenge for players around the world.
According to Niantic blog post there will be 3 challenges through out the day on 22nd June event for all trainers around the world and trainers participating event at Grant Park, first phase will be all trainers at Grant Park will catch certain type of Pokemon to unlock challenges for trainers around the world depending upon which type of Pokemon trainers at Grant Park catch the most as explained by Niantic if trainers at Grant park catch fire type Pokemon most this will unlock candy bonus meaning Pokemon trainers around the world catch will give them more candy for every catch, if Grant Park trainers catch ice type Pokemon most this will give trainers around the world buddy distance bonus for Grass type Pokemon trainers around the World will get more stardust, for electric type bonus trainers will get egg hatching distance this could mean eggs will hatch in less distance for example 10 kilometer egg could hatch in 7.5 or 8 kilometers.
Second phase of challenge is trainers around the World who are not at Grant Park will need to as many Pokemon as they can this means that they just need to increase number of catches around the World this is not tied to any specific Pokemon type, depending upon how many Pokemon trainers around the World catch will help us increase the duration of this bonus, for example trainers at Grant Park unlocked stardust bonus now trainers around the World will need to catch as many Pokemon as they can and looks like specific number of Pokemon will increase bonus to certain duration.

Third phase however is not that clear Niantic said that a mystery challenge will get unlocked at Grant Park after trainers around the World have successfully completed phase 2 and this mystery challenge will unlock extra special bonus however Niantic didn't mentioned what this special bonus might be and once players at Grant Park completed this extra bonus this will be unlocked around the World and this special bonus will be available to everyone this special challenge could be unlocking of Legendary Pokemon as I mentioned earlier in my post about Pokemon Go Chicago event that bonus Legendary will be available to players at Grant Park first and then after some beta testing there Niantic will make Legendary available to everyone around the World so this mystery bonus is releasing certain type of Legendary Pokemon if you ask me maybe Niantic is not releasing all Legendary Pokemon together but rather unlock Legendary Pokemon depending upon what type of Pokemon were cached in first phase of challenge for example Mewtwo is psych type Pokemon so if trainers at Grant Park cached Psych type Pokemon most they could unlock Mewtwo in special bonus maybe multiple Legendary could be unlocked by Pokemon type like Lugia and Mew are also Psych type and if trainers catch fire type Pokemon most in phase 1 this could unlock Legendary of fire type like Moltres, Entei, Ho-Oh etc so grab your shoes and prepare to participate into Pokemon Go Grant Park challenge I would love to see all generation 1 Legendary available for Legendary raids though what about you? Let me know in comment section below
